Friday, September 01, 2006

Growing up

The realisation that every day, I will have to decide which direction to go for the rest of my life.
That holding hands is scary, exciting, terrifying, happy, unsure and secure at the same time.
That every day for the rest of my life, God has taken away my reason to fear the "Old tin Hat".
That the peace of God comes with having the humility to ask him to heal the deepest wounds, that hate is a wound that festers and that love heals a crippled heart more surely than any quack. That physical pain and discomfort could always be worse. That my problems aren't unique. That taking the opportunities you have is like making new freinds, it's never smooth at first, sometimes it hurts, sometimes you make a lasting freindship, there's always scope for mutual disapointment, you might end up married to one and you'll never know them if you don't introduce yourself. That sometimes my analogies just don't work. That God's grace is always enough, and that coffee addiction is a real problem if all the motel has is instant.

And that there is always something I havn't realised or noticed right under my nose.

For instance, I missed a tiny bit just near my right nostril when I was Shaving yesterday.
I used to be impatient to have facial hair, now I think its a bit of a nuisence.


Maybe one day I'll feel inspired when writing.

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