Sunday, July 30, 2006

First Post.

Unimaginativly named, but franlkly true.

I have never in my life had a blog before, so with next to no prompting by anyone else, I've decided to start one. Unfortunatly, this post cannot be very long, seeing as I have committed to being On time-ish to sunday school teaching, so even if I make the clock nervous by the way I keep on looking at it, I'll keep track of time (says Jared, absent-mindedly). Which brings to mind the question; If a committment is made, is it more important that the committment is kept, or that damage is avoided in the keeping of that committment? Well, to be considered is whether the factors in the question (keeping a committment, and not causing harm by the means of keeping that committment) can be quantified, or should be qualified? By quantified, I mean that one might be considered right, and the other more right, one as wrong, the other as right or some other description.

well, The clock (and my dad) is telling me that I should leave this for now and go teach sunday school because time is of the essence (what exactly does that mean, anyway?).



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